The Three Best Mirrors for Shaving in the Shower
We found that all Shaving Mirrors have Issues but There Were Three that Tended to be Better Overall
Here are the Problems that Crop up with Shower Mirrors:
- Fogging during the shower
- The suction cup [or other adhesives] fails to adequately hold the mirror in place
- The reflective backing flakes off
- Distorted image
- Sharp edges
- Ball Joint or hinge too loose
- Bubbling appearing on the reflecive surface
We recommend three brands not because they are perfect but because the key issues are reduced as compared with all the other brands we researched. These all have issues with fogging [more on that below]. These all still have issues with staying on the shower wall [we'll get into that as well]. There can be some other issues as we listed above but these issues crop up quite a bit less than the other brands. We believe hat to make a product that is near free on all counts would be prohibitively expensive to produce and not worth it. With that said these are the brands that we recommend:
- XoYo-Large Fogless Shower Mirror
- Toilet Tree Products Deluxe Larger Fogless Shower Shaving Mirror
- The Shave Well Company Deluxe Anti-Fog Shaving Mirror
Neither of these three brands [nor any other brand we encountered] offered an actual waterproof glass mirror. We understand this. If a glass mirror hits the shower floor it can break into all kinds of fragments and shards thereby creating an undue hazard that is hard to properly clean up.
The Toilet Tree version has a small reservoir that can be filled with warm water that reduces fogging better than the other two brands.
We know that how a person goes about shaving in the shower affects one's reliance on the mirror. After researching all of the comments on the shaving mirrors we are under the strong impression that most people start their shower by shaving first. We recommend that you do the opposite [Click Here]. With our method your dependence on the mirror [and the fogging issue connected with that] is dramatically reduced.
All of these brands still have some issues with the mirror falling off the shower wall. The suction cups and other adhesives can only do so much. A lot depends on the texture of the wall or tiles in the shower itself. Adhesives will hold better on a clean smooth tile surface than any other texture. Depending on the layout of your shower you may want to consider if there is any other reasonable alternative to hanging the mirror on the wall.
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