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1950's Style Fruit Cake

This Recipe Comes from a Time when it was Unthinkable to Take Shortcuts in Cooking

This is a recipe that James' mother used to make fruit cake when he was a child. One day James' wife decided that she would like to make fruit cake. James remembered the fruit cake he had as a child was far better than other fruit cake recipes he had had since. So he asked his mother for the recipe. It turned out she had lost that recipe. Some time later James' sister while visiting their mother finally found it scrawled on a blank spot in a small cookbook. Mix all of the above
Note on the fruit cake mix: This can be one peel such as the candied orange peel, as seen in the photo, or as mixed orange, lemon, citron and sometimes others). Besides the Kroger brand seen here we also use the Pennant fruit mix with excellent results that can be found at Amazon.

You need four 9" X 5" Teflon coated pans for this batch. Bake at 350 for 1 hour and 3 minutes. Place at mid-level height in the oven. Use a knife or a two pronged meat fork to poke and test to see when the center is cooked (if it comes out coated gooey-like then it's not done yet).

link to fruit mix on Amazon link to fruit mix on Amazon

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