What to Consider when You Purchase a Vegetable Chopper
We rejected most highly-rated vegetable chopper brands because they didn’t meet our criteria:
- There is only one brand that we feel we can recommend with a high degree of confidence.
- When reviewing ratings that users give their products it’s important that there is a large number of reviews to ensure that here is a predictable amount of both positive and negative experiences and opinions to give a realistic assessment of the product’s overall utility. So we excluded all brands that had less than 100 reviews.
- When we look at the distribution of 1 to 5 star ratings we find that in the review of a trusted product that the distribution of the amount of rating negativity tapers on a generally consistent and predictable manner. This means that with a great brand the 5 star ratings would be the vast majority of reviews with 4 star reviews being considerably less common. Then 3 star reviews would be lesser still and the 1 star reviews would usually be the least number of reviews across a trusted product offerings.
- Upon examining a large number popular highly-rated brands we found shortcomings with all of them.
Our recommendation is Metro® Quick Chop
In the photo you see this comes with a salad spinner and an egg beater. This just so happens to be the exact one we have used for many years. We had to sharpen the blades on this once with crock sticks a few years afer our purchase. This does a spectacular job at making finely diced vegetables [See how well the red bell peppers and onions were finely diced by Quick Chop on our salsa recipe page - Note that Quick Chop does not handle cilantro which has to be diced by hand].
If you want your vegetables in uniformly sized larger pieces we prefer using a kitchen knife and a cutting board. However there are other options for both manually operated and electric vegetable choppers that will do the job [see the links below]. All of these that we have reviewed [this includes all the top brands] will have one issue or another that have caused us to withhold any outright recommendations. Though, not perfect, some might be good enough for your purposes [amomg these might be the need to save time on larger batches or to avoid irritation from dicing onions]. We strongly advise that you focus on the 4 star and the 1 star reviews and pay attention to these issues before purchasing:
- Are some parts prone to failing or breaking off?
- Does plastic from the device shave off into the food?
- If a mandolin slicer is included are the finger protections shoddy?
- Does the motor easily bog down [electric versions]?
- Does the motor easily get hot [electric versions]?
- Is the motor extremely loud [electric versions]?
- Above all look for a comprehensive warranty so at least you have an out should things go awry.
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